Annual Memberships are $75.00 (from 1/1/2025)


All new Sword Collectors Guild Memberships will be digital.

Your membership will be online only.
No memberships cards will be printed or provided – your online membership is now proof of membership.
You MUST have a valid online membership to purchase a sword in Victoria.
See below.

Upon purchasing, you will have a members profile with your details.

Proprietors will be able to search the directory to confirm your membership with your new digital membership number and/or surname. You will still need to provide photo id.

All new memberships or renewals must be applied for again online to be a digital member.

Purchase Annual Membership: $75

Law to restrict machete use passes parliament

For collector and re-enactment groups, you will see that some of the conditions have changed since the draft Orders were last sent to you. In brief, the key changes are:

  • the waiting period before new members can purchase specified weapons will be 28 days, and will not apply if the new member already holds a firearms licence;
  • memberships will not need to include photo ID; members will be able to show memberships on their phones, or by searching the membership database instore plus their own photo ID (eg, driver’s licence);
  • the requirement for members to satisfy their organisations that they’re not prohibited persons (by arranging a criminal history check or statutory declaration) will not apply to the holders of firearms licences, private security licences or Chief Commissioner’s Approvals.
  • an exempt organisation only need inform DOJ when it expels a member in accordance with its rules, not when a member simply resigns;
  • registers of members only need contain members’ names and membership numbers; other details such as contact details can be kept separately by organisations;
  • a condition has been included to clarify that the Orders only apply to group members who engage in the exempted activities involving the specified weapons.
  • a valid membership/permit is the responsibility of the owner to keep it current and valid.

Further details about the club and things you may need to know

We are an informal club who help members dedicated to the preservation of swords.
As much as we would like to advise our members on their legal rights and responsibilities concerning sword ownership, the best place to find information is the respective Police websites for your state/territory.

We are not nor will not give any Legal advice as to your Weapon Licence
Do Not contact this Office for assistance you will need to Contact your lawyer or other registered legal practitioner. All we offer is exemption from specific laws under specific conditions.

Please note that we are only a sword guild and are not allowed to provide any exemptions for other edged weapons like double edged knives, swords only!


Senior Policy Officer

Police Policy & Legislation | Strategic Policy & Legislation Division | Department of Justice
Level 24 | 121 Exhibition Street | Melbourne | Victoria | 3000

Disclaimer on Age Restriction


proof of age required before sale.

ALL Weapons purchases must be signed for on delivery.


New Control of Weapons Regulations: 5th June 2014

Please read the following documents and send comments to the jsutice department. This is your chance to have a say on the regulations.

Legal talk

We are a SWORD COLLECTORS GUILD only – not covering “Licensable Knives“ as per the act.

According to the Victoria Police, a sword is defined as follows. ‘A thrusting, striking or cutting weapon with a long blade (blunt or otherwise), having one or two edges and a hilt or handle.’ This includes original, replicas, backyard creations and pretty much anything not made of wood that may be considered a weapon. Remember, anything you use offensively becomes a weapon under law.

As a general rule, (Not to be used as legal advice)

  • Swords need to be placed in a locked wooden or steel case that only the Guild member has a key for. Not Under The Bed
  • Be aware that you must transport blades safely and securely. Swords need to secularly locked when transporting.
  • You Must have Your Victorian Historical Edged Weapons Collectors Guild Membership with you (digital)
  • Be aware you must have a Legal Reason to have these Weapons  in you car
  • Travelling with a Sword in your boot or A Knife under your seat unsecured WILL lead to Charges.
  • Self defence is not a valid reason.

You are not covered by your club exemptions if you are breaking the Law by not adhering to each aspect of the Controlled Weapons Act.

If you wish to import any swords – you must contact the Victorian Police for an B709b Permit of Import- then apply to Customs in Canberra- this is the procedure –the Guild Exemption is not enough- contact the Victoria Police for full details.

For legally binding information, check out the Police Licensing Services website.

New Information on Swords

Ensuring that the weapons storage facility is ‘not readily accessible’ and/ or ‘not available’ simply means that all reasonable measures have been taken to make sure that the weapon is secured in a manner which ensures that an unauthorised person is unable to remove the weapon. For example, a sword is considered ‘not readily accessible’ or ‘not available’ if it is bolted to the wall, or locked in a glass cabinet, thereby preventing an unauthorised person gaining possession of the weapon.

Contact Victorian Police for up-to date info as YOU are responsible for correct storage as per the Law in your state.
For legally binding information, check out the Police Licensing Website, or e-mail them. website.

If you have any questions please contact us via this form.
We do not offer telephone support at this time.